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Practices to Ensure Safety for First Time Freelance Riggers

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You have just cleared your rigging course and are looking forward to being a freelance rigger. However, before undertaking the first job, newbies can become overwhelmed with anxiety because of limited hands-on experience. For example, new riggers find their first job scary due to the exaggerated heights they have to be accustomed to as well as the weights they have to guide while working. This is understandable in the case of newbies because confidence is built on the job, which takes time. Therefore, as a new rigger looking forward to freelancing and being hired, you need to consider the issue of safety. This article provides practices that will ensure you remain safe during your rigging endeavors.

Work in Favorable Weather Only -- As a freelance rigger and depending on the quality of the services you provide, you will be getting calls to work on different projects all year round. While this could mean steady income, you may be forced to work in unfavorable weather conditions, which can be dangerous. However, the allure of money should not blind you because working in extreme conditions can be dangerous. For example, strong winds, darkness, and extreme cold may cause accidents that could otherwise have been avoided. To ensure safety, plan carefully and establish conditions on when to accept rigging jobs. For instance, during extreme cold conditions, avoid shock loading your rig. Doing so may cause lifting equipment to turn brittle and break, thereby causing an accident.

Determine Load Weight -- While making an educated guess on weights is applicable, riggers should try as much as possible to determine the exact weight of loads before making any lifts with the crane. This is because the safety of all rigging work relies on the correct sling, which is dependent on the right weight of the load. Therefore, if you know the actual weight of the load, you will make the right decision regarding the type of sling to use for any particular task.

Choose the Right Sling -- As mentioned in the previous point, the safety of most rigging exercises is dependent on the choice of sling used. As such, choosing the right sling according to task requirements is critical to your safety and that of others. Since slings are available in different materials such as wire rope, chain, synthetic rope, and natural fiber, their strengths and weaknesses should help you to determine the right type of sling to use.
